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Stress: Tips to Calm the Chaos

No, thanks, I've had enough.
I watch the news and I hear the stories of the Corona Virus and my heart aches for the world. I feel helpless as the only useful thing I can do is literally nothing. My current job is feeling affects from the virus, but I am also supposed to be starting a new job in a completely different industry soon. So, normal new job jitters are magnified. Plus, I am a naturally high-strung person (as evidenced by past blog posts), so suffice to say, I'm stressed. 

When I am stressed, I do the worst thing possible, I EAT! Everything. Anything. An entire container of hummus? All that, and a bag of pita chips. Three bowls of cereal? Of course. Five pieces of toast? Gross, but yes. A really weird concoction of peanut butter, bananas, and oatmeal? Don't judge me. 

Since I am on this journey along with you, I want to try to reduce or stop this behavior. I am sure I'm not the only one who does this. So, here are some tips and tricks that I have found to be useful. 

I want to go to there.
Drink Tulsi Tea

Tulsi Tea is also called Holy Basil and has an amazing calming effect! I am drinking some as I write this and my heart rate is now almost down to my resting heart rate (it was triple digits earlier) and my brain fog has cleared. 

Here is the Amazon link, but try to find it locally if you can. I got mine at the grocery store, in the tea aisle. 


This is probably the most important anti-stress tip. So many of our bodies' reactions are a result of evolution. Our body may not be doing something that make sense us in present day, but 1,000 years ago, it was the most logical thing in the world. If you are stressed out now, your body thinks it is because you are running from a predator, or can't find food. If you take some time to just inhale and exhale it tells your body that because you have time to breathe, you are ok and don't need the extra cortisol right now. 

There are several different techniques for this. You can breathe in through your nose, out through your mouth, in and out through your nose, vary the counts for the breaths, say a mantra, or any combination of these. But my favorite is to JUST. DO. IT. You know how to breathe, let it happen. 

That looks fun and all, but you don't need all this. 

Happy Birthday to...AH! NO MORE!!!
Take a moment to be grateful 
If you are like me and tired of singing Happy Birthday, try thinking of three things for which you are grateful while washing your hands. Taking the time to remember the things in this life you love can make a huge difference in your stress levels! I tried to vary it up and not think of the same thing each time. Try to be specific, think about why you are grateful for that specific thing. 

Some examples:
- I am grateful for: 
  My cat Freyja, because she sings to me. 
  My cat Minerva, because she makes an adorable chirpy sound anytime she moves.
  My cat Rory, because he gives the best head boops. 
  My dog, Amelia, because she is always happy to see me. 
  (Yes, this is 4. I have 4 pets, I couldn't leave one out!)

- I am grateful for:
  My legs because they help me run.
  My arms because they throw punches.
  My brain, because it keeps everything going.

- I am grateful for:
  My husband because he is my rock all of the time. 
  My family because they have helped shape me to be this wonderful person. 
  My friends because they have my back, right or wrong. 

Try it now! Even if you aren't washing your hands, it will help! It doesn't have to be perfect. It just has to be real.

Drink Water
Drinking water makes you a Bad Ass. 
Drinking water is the healthy equivalent of "Did you turn it off and back on again?" Being fully hydrated is going to help you solve so many problems. It will help to flush out the coritsol (the stress hormone) that your body produces when it thinks you are stressed. Water also helps ensure that your body is functioning properly. And, for stress eaters, it will reduce the amount you stress eat since there won't be enough room in your stomach for 12 peanut butter cups. Being dehydrated will have the opposite effect. Your body will try to trick you into being hungry to get the water from food. 

That's what I got. I'm feeling less stressed after writing this and that is something.  

While ignorance is bliss, I hope that isn't an option for most of you. Knowledge is power and I think that is more important than bliss right now.

What am I missing? What are your favorite stress tips? 

If you read this and enjoy it, please comment and sign up for email updates! 

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