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Disney + Health + Wellness

We all know that healthy foods and exercise lead to a healthy life. It isn't always easy, there aren't woodland animals out there coming to help. But that doesn't mean it has to be hard. Simply changing the way you think about health may be the only thing you need to create lasting positive change. What better way to help shift your perspective than to the tune of the songs we all grew up with? Plus, you can hop onto Disney+ and watch the ones that get stuck in your head!

A Whole New World
Picture it for a moment. You see this whole new world, a dazzling place you never knew. When you are way up here, it's crystal clear. You know that your lifestyle isn't healthy and you need to make some changes. So, you clean out the kitchen, buy all new food, join a gym, and have this brand new routine. Then something happens outside of your control and it all comes crashing down. Instead of making all of these changes at once, pick one or two things and work on those, then add in something else, and something else. It's going to take some time and you will need patience, but this means that these changes will be with you long term. I suggest starting with one or two healthier meals a week, then add in some exercise, but you do you.  

I Wan'na Be Like You
King Louie wants to be just like a man. But, once he starts to walk like, and talk like Mowgli, he will lose who he is as King of the Orangutans. You are unique, just like everybody else. It sounds cynical, but it's true. Everyone is on their own journey. If you try to hard to mimic another's, you are going to get lost. While you are envying another's progress, someone may be salivating at the speed at which you are moving. Don't get wrapped up in this, your end goals aren't the same. You will get to  where you are going when YOU are ready. 

Under the Sea
"Darling, it's better
Down where it's wetter 
Take it from me."
Am I suggesting that you do the reverse of Little Mermaid and go live under the sea? No, but that would be cool. This tip is way more basic, just drink some water! Water to your body is like oil to a car; it helps to keep things working smoothly. When you really just want to stress-eat, drink a glass of water slowly and really take a moment to think about what you are doing. You will find a more productive way to relax.  

Friend Like Me
Find a buddy or a group of buddies who have the same mindset of change. Having a support group to share recipes, tips, and just chat with will make a huge difference. For me, just knowing that someone is going to hold me accountable is all I need to stay focused on my goal. Plus, you have someone you can talk to instead of eating your feelings.

Whistle While You Work
"When hearts are high, the time will fly so whistle while you work."
Have fun while working out! I hear so many people tell me that they hate the gym. Yeah, me too. The Dreadmill is a torture device for me. But, give me an open trail and I can just go. My Muay Thai gym is the perfect outlet for frustrations and stress for me. For other people, Barre exercise, cross fit, swimming, yoga, or just going for a walk. Find your happy activity and it won’t feel like a workout, I promise! 

Hakuna Matata
It means no worries, so stop worrying! You may have a day that is just bananas and you just throw diet and health out the window. It's okay. Accept that you slipped up, figure out why you slipped up, and then get back on track. It is impossible for you to be perfect 100% of the time. There are going to be birthdays, holidays, and times where you just don't have control. Don't let it trip you up and you will be fine.

Be Our Guest
"Come on and lift your glass
You've won your own free pass."

If you told me that I would never be able to eat pizza again for the rest of my life, I would knock you out and immediately devour a pie (maybe two, just to be safe). Immediately banning "unhealthy" food from your diet just makes you want it more! Building in a cheat day removes some of the pressure. It's so much easier to eat six days of week when you know that you will get that treat. As you continue improving your diet, you will start to notice that you feel sluggish or gross the day after the cheat day. Eventually, you will be able to phase it out, keeping your diet stable.  

Be Prepared
Have you ever heard the saying, "Life is what happens when you make plans."? As you continue on in your new healthy lifestyle, there are going to be challenges that will test your steadfastness. Having a contingency plan ahead of time will positively affect your chances. If you know that Janice is having a birthday on Wednesday and there will be cake at the office, bring a piece of fruit (that you like) to satisfy your sweet tooth. Do you have a weekly date with the gang over drinks and food? Suggest going to a restaurant with healthy options. Or, try doing something together that doesn't involve food and drinks, like hanging out in an Elephant Graveyard (Actually, don't do that. There will be an evil lion, you'll get involved in regicide, it'll be a mess). 

Mad Madam Mim
"'Cause I'm the magnificent, marvelous, mad Madam Mim."
Don't be humble. Be proud of what you have done, and what you can do. Did you lose a pound after struggling to get your diet together? Did you run your first 5k? Did you make your first dish with beets? You have worked hard for whatever your goal is, scream that from the rooftops! 

When You Wish Upon a Star
It's at the heart of every Disney movie, but the most important health tip of all. Say it with me, BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath and imagine you as the perfect picture of health. What are you doing? What do you look like? What is different in this vision from your current life? Remember that you have the power to make your wish come true and nothing will stop you.  

Everyone Wants to Be a Cat

This isn't a health tip, it's just common knowledge. 
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